So yesterday was my first Monday of unemployment! One would think since I have been brimming with energy, project ideas coming out of my ears in alarming amounts, I'd be beside myself. Alive with the promise of unlimited opportunity. I was supposed to get out of bed like this;
Hells Yeah! Am the issh! Am about this business! |
Making it rain on them disloyal people. I kid. Not! |
And now am not!
Me. In quiet contemplation of the 7-figure salary I just gave up. |
I dragged my tiny bottom out of bed to get my laptop and turned it on to work on my projects (am currently deeply engrossed in 2, how I get time to be idle and disorderly and then mop is beside me. The ancestors must be mad). Anyhow, looking at unfinished, income bringing work didn't help. I thought of pending plans and how I have no way of funding them unless I work. That trip to Dubai;Not gonna happen unless I move some product and I move that product NOW. Nope, didn't work. The brain had received a catastrophic dose of cortisol and was not having any chills.
Meh! Meh! Meh! |
I called my own Olivia Pope to read to me and get Sherry's groove back.
Her words; Get up heifer! You will sleep when rich. |
Katniss.Weeping for the loss of my purpose! |
Thankfully, after many many hours of moping (I weep at the thought of time lost! Time I will not get back!) I received email from one of my team mates. She'd designed a beautiful logo in record time for our project. And here I was in bed, idling the time away. I got up. If I was going to disappoint anyone, it would not be other people who have chosen to believe in my vision and my dream. I was going to work dammit! And work I did. There's been a lot of traction in just 2 days.
Will I go to Dubai? That is yet to be seen.
Come to mama! |
PS:This was supposed to be submitted yesterday but as you can see, I was busy solidifying the relationship with my bed in the time allocated to blogging.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at some point. But loved the humour totally. Great post.